Latina In America Podcast

End of Season | Fin de Temporada - May 2023

Episode Summary

We are having a celebration, a combined Season Finale of Latina In America podcast and Life 100 Podcast. An amazing season celebrating you, your feedback and support. Let's hear from our guests once again: Lorena Legarreta, Joyce Madeiros, Martina Torres Dreyer, Sandra Muriel Colorado, Natalie Marino, Karina Chavarria, Lidia De La Cruz, Jasmine Rodriguez, Charissa Enget, Christine Fan, and Jihane Jeanty.

Episode Notes

We are having a celebration, a combined Season Finale of Latina In America podcast and Life 100 Podcast. An amazing season celebrating you, your feedback and support. Let's hear from our guests once again: Lorena Legarreta, Joyce Madeiros, Martina Torres Dreyer, Sandra Muriel Colorado, Natalie Marino, Karina Chavarria, Lidia De La Cruz, and Jasmine Rodriguez, Charissa Enget, Christine Fan, and Jihane Jeanty.

Thanks for listening and sharing. Let's get together in September!


Other episodes you'll enjoy:

Jasmine Rodriguez | Singer Songwriter

Lidia: Empowering Latinas in Tech

Karina | Latina Equestrian | Inclusivity and Diversity in STEM

Natalie | The Latina Techie

Sandra | Starting Over - Path to a New Career | Europe

Martina | Personal Development | New York Travel

Joyce | Brazilian in New York | Finance | Budapest Travel

Lorena | Texan | Hospitality Entrepreneur | Mexico City Travel


Connect with me:

Instagram: @LatinaInAmerica

Other Show: Life 100 Podcast

Article: Life 100 Podcast featured on OPRAH Magazine (@oprahdaily) #26

Linktree: Latina In America

Episode Transcription

End of Season | Fin de Temporada - May 2023

Rosie (00:10):

Welcome to the conclusion of this season. This is a special episode, asi es – un episodio especial, since it is available on both shows, Life 100 Podcast and Latina In America. I am delighted to have this wonderful opportunity to connect with you and express my gratitude for your support. Your active participation in this community makes this journey so fulfilling and meaningful. So thank you for being a part of our global network of listeners and I look forward to bring you more inspiring guests in our next season later on this year. In our show, Latina In America podcast, we share the incredible stories of Latina women who have successfully overcame barriers in the fields of science, technology, equestrian, the culinary industry, and arts. Additionally, they take us to their favorite travel destination, allowing us to explore their world through their eyes. These women are Lorena Legarreta, the founder of Dish'nDames, sharing the remarkable journey of amazing women who shape the culinary industry. 

Lorena Legarreta – Hospitality Entrepreneur (01:36

Just talking about Dish'nDames and a little bit about what I've created, the community is actually focused on the food and beverage industry. Women in the hospitality industry, we celebrate their stories, we share their experiences. One of my main focuses with Dish'n Dames has always been to increase representation of women in our industry. We've wanted to highlight in all the different positions that they have held in hospitality. 

Rosie (02:01):

Joyce Medeiros, founder of LatinxInvestor, she is dedicated to the education of personal finance in simple terms. 

Joyce Medeiros – Finance Educator and FinTech Executive (02:12):

So seeing inequality growing up, not quite understanding it, not quite understanding money and how money worked and constant deflation that Brazil was always under and going to the store and saying, Hey, can I have this? And being like, no, we can't afford it. Constant. It's something that I was very aware. I grew up very lower middle class, but like frugal as well. Understanding that money is precious. You need to take care of it. The more you take care of it, the better things will get. And I think that lack of , was something that inspired me to make more of it and also be aware of how to save it and eventually learn how to grow it. 

Rosie (02:48):

Martina Torres Dryer, a personal coach teaching about embracing where we are and taking steps to a brighter future. 

Martina Torres Dryer – Personal Coach (02:58):

See, well, where would I wanna be in 10, 20 years? If everything happened the way I would love it, where do I wanna be? And then what you have to do is then bring yourself back to where you are and saying, well, what are some decisions or choices that I can make differently now to get to that place? 

Rosie (03:19):

Sandra Muriel Colorado, founder of SMC Virtual Solutions, an online course strategist and consultant. 

Sandra Muriel Colorado – Course Strategist & Consultant (03:30):

As you build your business, this is so key because eventually you're going to wanna outsource as you grow. So start to document everything that you do in your business. Anything that you do, it could be something as simple as how you write an email. 

Rosie (03:48):

Natalie Marino, founder of the Latina Techie, ensuring that the future STEM is diverse and celebrated. 

Natalie Marino – The Latina Techie (03:57):

Outside of my corporate life. I am the CEO and Founder of the Latina Techie, where I built an online platform to raise awareness for Latinas. There is a safe space for them in here and for us to continue to amplify our voices in these high paying --- careers. 

Rosie (04:17):

Karina Chavarria, a biotech professional and creator of Latina Equestrian and Instagram. 

Karina Chavarria – Biotech Profesional & Latina Equestrian (04:26):

You know, for our people, we are not represented in science. When we do vaccine trials, when we do stem cell trials, we're not represented. And something I'm very prideful in this company is that we're recovering stem cells to help fill that gap, especially for minorities who cannot find a match. If you have leukemia, if you have lymphoma, finding a match that's outside of your family is very difficult. And the registry that exists for stem cells is severely limited when it comes to racial and ethnic backgrounds. 

Rosie (04:58):

Lydia de La Cruz, a software engineer and Afro-Latina in tech, and the founder of Poderosa Coding, 

Lidia de La Cruz – Software Engineer founder of Poderosa Coding (05:07):

And my experience thus far has been a beautiful journey. And this is why I continue to share with people, because I am the mirror of what they're looking for. I am their reflection of being able to confirm to themselves like, wow, like Lydia did it. We have same trajectories, we have the same background, maybe same culture. Maybe there's something that someone out there can relate to me in any way, and I am just here affirming like, listen, this is exactly what I did and you can do it too. I'm not hiding anything. I'm very transparent on one how I got here, and you can do it as well. 

Rosie (05:41):

And Jasmine Rodriguez, singer and songwriter, sharing the importance of answering our calling and embracing our individual journey and cultural identity. 

Jasmine Rodriguez – Singer and Songwriter (05:55):

And so it work. It is work to maintain that light. It is work to figure out how to shine that light when life is crazy and when you're scared and all these different things. But you are worth taking the time to really uncover what those fears are, uncover what those things are, and then let your light shine. 

Rosie (06:18):

During our conversations, we uncover the challenges they have faced and how they overcame cultural biases and even stereotypes. The goal of this show is to offer different blueprints and plans of action as guide to embrace your own passions and ambitions. 

Now let's pivot to the other show. In Life 100 Podcast, we embark on a journey of exploration and self discovery. Our conversations with our guests show the power of embracing life to the fullest. Through personal anecdotes and insights, we uncover the importance of seeking purpose and cultivating a positive mindset to live life with a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose. Our guests in the show were absolutely extraordinary. 

We started with Charissa Enget, who moved to Thailand to attend graduate school. 

Charissa Enget – Graduate Student in Thailand (07:23):

Well, the one in Thailand was specifically an English speaking scholarship because they're trying to promote more fluency and English in Thailand. So they're really working on getting that up, which is why I had a full-ride scholarship there. 

Rosie (07:35):

I invite you to listen to her story as she fell in love with the culture, language and the breathtaking beauty of the country. It is a testament to the power of stepping outside our comfort zone and embracing new experiences that can shape your life in unexpected ways. 


Then in November, we had a bilingual celebration of gratitude and hope. And then at the end of the year we had our Spanish episode, asi es –nuestro episodio en español, available in both podcasts celebrating the season with the gift off friendship, titled “Regalo Navideño Para Las Amigas” – “Y ya que estamos en la temporada navidena, donde compartimos regalos y buenos deseos, en la que nos reencontramos con amistades y seres queridos, estamos hablando de un tipo de regalo que nos llena de alegria, y es ese regalo de compartir con amigas.”


And we continue our journey with an invitation to learn about different cultures in the year 2023. And we follow up with an episode in where we attended for the first time, the celebration of the Lunar New Year. There we met Christine and Brian, the founders of Big Fan Art Studio who provided insights into the significance of the celebration. 

Christine Fan – Founder of Big Fan Art Studio (09:11):

Chinese New Year for Chinese is just like the Christmas or Thanksgiving for Americans. It's the time you are supposed to go home, making big meals of the year and share your stories over this year and relax and spend time with their families. 

Rosie (09:32):

And the latest episode was with no other than Jihane Jeanty, an expert world traveler, sharing her knowledge about amazing places to visit. And she gave us domestic and international advice for traveling, whether you are an experienced traveler or going on your first trip. 

Jihane Jeanty – World Traveler (09:54):

Wherever I go, whether it's just for a day or a week, I will always look up something interesting to do in that space to make me excited to go. So even if it's just a work trip for a 24 hours, I'm going to look for a great restaurant, I'm going to look for a great museum. I'm going to look for something great culturally in that city, so I'm excited to go. 

Rosie (10:13):

As we come to the end of the season, we celebrate the collection of experiences we have shared. And once again, I want to thank our extraordinary guests who've shared their journey with us, and thank you for being part of this incredible journey. We are excited for the next season and stay connected with us in Instagram. Until next time, I am Rosie, and like I always say… Life is better when you live it at 100